Other Bee Resources

Links to bee resources aimed at helping bees.

Bee resources found on this page are aimed at helping you learn more about bees and what you can do to help them. The select list of resources included here have been carefully selected, and include only those with a national and global perspective.

We hope you find this list of bee resources useful.

Beekeeper Association Links

American Beekeeping Federation
  • The national beekeeping organization.
  • Focused on education and legislative activity.
  • Conducts yearly conventions for professional beekeepers and others associated with the beekeeping industry.
Western Apicultural Society
  • A non-profit educational beekeeping organization, focused primarily on the needs of beekeepers in western North America.
  • Emphasis is on smaller beekeeping operations.
  • Produces quarterly newsletters and conducts a yearly conference.
Eastern Apiculture Society
  • An international, non-profit educational organization founded in 1955 for the promotion of bee culture and beekeeper education.
  • Provides certification of Master Beekeepers.
  • Promotes excellence in bee research.
  • The largest non-commercial beekeeping organization in the United States and one of the largest in the world.

Bee Resources:  Magazine and Online Bee Community Links

Bee Culture
  • The Magazine of American Beekeeping
  • Professional, scientific information, targeted primarily toward professional beekeepers and those interested in research about bees
American Bee Journal
  • A magazine featuring news and practical information for both hobby and commercial beekeepers.
  • Also targets bee supply dealers, queen breeders, package-bee shippers, honey packers and entomologists.
Beesource Beekeeping
  • Provides an online beekeeping forum where a range of beekeepers of varying levels of experience, can share information about beekeeping.

Bee Research and Advocacy Links

Specific to bees and pollinators

Bee Informed Partnership
  • A collaboration of efforts across the country aimed at better understanding what’s causing, and how to prevent, honey bee declines in the U.S.
  • Partnership consists of a collaboration with leading research labs and universities related to the fields of agriculture and science.
  • Includes relationships with a wide range of disciplines including honey bee science, economics, statistics and medical research.
  • Supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Honey Bee Health Coalition
  • A coalition made up of almost 40 organizations and agencies from across food, agriculture, government, and conservation arenas.
  • The goal is to reverse the recent declines in honey bee health, and to ensure the long-term health of honey bees and other pollinators.
Pollinator Partnership
  • A non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems.
  • The largest organization of its type in the world.
  • The goal is to promote the health of pollinators which are critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education and research.
Pollinator Stewardship Council
  • Provides support to beekeepers and pollinators by ensuring the enforcement of pesticide laws and regulations, and by providing guidance and tools to defend pollinators.
  • Raises awareness about potential adverse impact of pesticides on pollinators important to the supply of food.

Focused on broader wildlife and environmental issues

Pesticide Action Network-North America (PAN)
  • PAN is one of five regional centers in the world which works to challenge the global proliferation of pesticides.
  • It also works to:
    • Defend basic rights to health and environmental quality.
    • Ensure the transition to a just and viable food system.
Xerces Society
  • An international, science-based conservation organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats.
  • Core programs are focused on:
    • Habitat conservation and restoration.
    • Species conservation.
    • Protecting pollinators.
    • Contributing to watershed health.
    • Reducing harm to invertebrates from pesticide use.

Government Reports on Bees

The Economic Challenge Posed by Declining Pollinator Populations
  • A White House Fact Sheet
Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators
  • A Presidential Memorandum
Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees
  • A joint USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership publication